The 10 Best Free Keyword Search Tools

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Written By Curtis Spurlock

Keyword research is a fundamental aspect of blogging and content creation. By identifying the right keywords, you can optimize your content for search engines, attract more traffic to your blog, and better understand your target audience’s needs. While there are many paid keyword research tools available, you don’t necessarily have to break the bank to access valuable insights. In this post, we’ll explore the ten best free keyword research tools that can help elevate your blogging game without costing you a dime.

1. Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner is a powerful tool that provides keyword ideas, search volume data, and competition levels based on Google’s own search data. It’s designed for advertisers but can be valuable for bloggers looking to discover relevant keywords for their content.

2. Ubersuggest

Ubersuggest is a versatile keyword research tool that offers keyword suggestions, search volume data, and insights into competitors’ top-performing content. It also provides information on backlinks and domain score, helping you identify potential link-building opportunities.

3. AnswerThePublic

AnswerThePublic is a unique keyword research tool that generates keyword ideas in the form of questions, prepositions, and comparisons. It’s a great resource for discovering long-tail keywords and understanding the specific queries that users are searching for.

4. Keyword Surfer

Keyword Surfer is a browser extension that integrates with Google search results to display search volume data, related keywords, and backlink metrics directly on the SERP (Search Engine Results Page). It’s a convenient tool for conducting keyword research in real-time while browsing the web.

5. Soovle

Soovle is a user-friendly keyword research tool that aggregates autocomplete suggestions from various search engines, including Google, Bing, Yahoo, Amazon, and YouTube. By compiling suggestions from multiple platforms, Soovle provides a comprehensive view of popular search queries across different channels.

6. Keyword Tool

Keyword Tool offers keyword suggestions based on Google’s autocomplete feature, providing insights into the phrases that users commonly search for. It also offers keyword data for YouTube, Bing, Amazon, and other platforms, making it suitable for bloggers with diverse content formats.

7. Google Trends

Google Trends allows you to explore the popularity of specific keywords over time and in different regions. By analyzing search trends, you can identify seasonal patterns, emerging topics, and opportunities to capitalize on trending topics in your blog content.

8. Keyword Shitter

Despite its unconventional name, Keyword Shitter is a straightforward keyword research tool that generates a large volume of keyword suggestions based on your seed keyword. While the interface may be minimalistic, the tool can provide valuable insights for brainstorming content ideas.

9. WordStream’s Free Keyword Tool

WordStream’s Free Keyword Tool offers keyword suggestions, search volume data, and competition levels, along with additional features such as negative keyword filtering and keyword grouping. It’s a comprehensive tool that caters to both beginners and experienced bloggers alike.

10. Keywords Everywhere

Keywords Everywhere is a browser extension that displays search volume data, cost-per-click (CPC) data, and competition levels directly on the SERP and other websites. It’s a handy tool for evaluating keyword opportunities and assessing the commercial intent behind specific search queries.

Effective keyword research is essential for optimizing your blog content and improving its visibility in search engine results. While investing in premium keyword research tools can offer advanced features and analytics, there are plenty of free alternatives available that can provide valuable insights for bloggers on a budget.

What are your favorite free keyword research tools? Have you had success with any particular tool mentioned in this post? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!


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